Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence: Who Is The Winner?



28 May, 2024

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence: Who Is The Winner?

OpenAI has temporarily stopped new sign-ups for its ChatGPT Plus service because of a huge increase in demand. This step shows how much we rely on AI (Artificial Intelligence) daily. The main question arises about the capabilities of AI when we compare it with a genius human brain. The human brain may have limitations compared to Artificial Intelligence, but it remains incredible. People have been trying to copy the human mind in the form of Artificial Intelligence for over 60 years, from scientists to entrepreneurs to sci-fi fans.

Many people may oppose this, arguing that AI should not have its own mind and ability to think. In 2014, Stephen Hawking warned that AI might be a threat to humanity if left unchecked.

Now there could be many questions, such as Can machines outperform human minds? Can they think? Are they dangerous for us? Will AI ever replace the human brain?

These questions are much of the discussion and philosophical debate. Now, let’s go deeper into the debate: Which is better, AI or human intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence!

  • Overloaded Information? No Problem

Sometimes, you may find yourself in a situation where you must focus on the specific data, which could take hours to filter manually. But do not worry! AI can do this in seconds. For instance, AI can sift through millions of cat pictures and instantly spot the one you saw before. That is the power of AI! AI can handle large amounts of data, doing calculations in a fraction of a second that would take us years. Even nowadays AI is being used in scientific research to filter out spam emails.

  • 24/7 Brainiac

You all would agree with this that the human mind is forgetful. We often forget things, whether the TV remote we left somewhere or the keys to our car. That is the human mind. On the other hand, AI works tirelessly. We can leverage this ability in medical diagnosis systems, allowing it to analyse X-rays day and night, while factory robots churn out products without rest. AI does not need a coffee break like us, making it perfect for repetitive tasks. It is more efficient, and consistency makes it valuable across various industries. AI can definitely help us to enhance our productivity and reduce errors.

  • Learning Machine

Do you still remember that childhood friend who used to ace every test in the class? Well, this is kind of like AI. Artificial intelligence learns things with the practice of data, and all this happens with a process called ML (Machine Learning). It can analyse past experiences (data) and improve its performance. For example, we have seen Tesla cars, popular for self-driving techniques. Those cars learn from every mile driven, constantly refining their skills.

Human Superiority: Areas Where Humans Outshine AI

  • The Creativity Gap

Absolutely, creativity is one of the unique features of human intelligence. Artificial Intelligence can analyse large data sets and generate new content based on detectable patterns. Still, it cannot generate truly original content as AI does not have the ability to think out of the box in the same way humans do. Our creativity is more refined as we often make unexpected connections, learn new concepts, and express emotions uniquely.

These qualities are deeply rooted in human nature and are often shaped by our culture, personal experiences and feelings. That is we humans shine here.

  • Emotional Intelligence? Nah:

I will make it simpler for you. Have you ever tried to explain your heartbreak to Siri? That heartfelt chat with a friend or the bond with your pet? Yes, you are right! AI can recognise emotions in text or voice, But it lacks the deep understanding and emotional connection humans have. AI might give a response to your query with technically accurate analysis, but it would not understand the depth of your emotions.

Human connections, whether with friends, family, or pets, are built on shared experiences and emotional bonds that go beyond mere data processing. These connections provide comfort, understanding, and support during difficult times like Breakup, something that AI simply cannot replicate.  AI is improving daily, but we should not forget that it is also important to recognise and cherish the unique qualities of human relationships and the depth of human emotion that sets us apart.

  • Philosophical Puzzlement:

Now you might be thinking what about AI consciousness? Can a machine ever be truly “aware”? Consciousness is often defined as the subjective experience of being aware of oneself and one’s surroundings. This is deeply intertwined with our understanding of human intelligence. Most of the time AI systems can copy certain aspects of human intelligence, such as problem-solving, pattern recognition, and even emotional responses. Still, they do not have the self-awareness and understanding of consciousness that humans have.

As per ResearchGate, some argue that consciousness comes from complex interactions within the brain. They believe it might be possible to make machines that can do this too. But making AI that truly understands itself and its surroundings is really hard. And not everyone agrees if we should even try or not.

AI’s ability to think about its own thoughts like humans has not been developed. It will be interesting to think about what AI might become in the future. When we talk about these things, we need to be humble and recognise how complex human minds are.

The Rise of AI: Can Machines Outperform Humans?

Recently, High in the sky over California, a bright orange and white F-16(Jet) soared. But this was not an ordinary flight. Instead of human guidance an AI system was controlling this jet. And the seat was reserved for a pilot Frank Kendall, the US Air Force Secretary. This was not just a joy ride. It was a test and it was a record-breaking moment in military history. This AI-controlled F-16 was set up against another plane with a human pilot. This was not just about showing off technology; it could change the future of how we fly.

As the two planes danced and competed together in the sky, Kendall watched and impressed, so much so that he said he’d trust the AI to make decisions about launching weapons. That is a big deal coming from someone in his position.

In the end, it wasn’t just about who won or lost. It was about what this meant for the future. AI had shown it could hold its own against human pilots. Who knows what the skies will look like in the years to come? One thing’s for sure: the age of AI in aviation has arrived.

The Secret Weapon Against AI: It’s You!

In a small town in Oklahoma, 13-year-old Willis Gibson did something remarkable. He beat Tetris, the game that is known to be unbeatable by humans. This game is about filling the shapes and that too endless. These types of games only conquerable by AI. But Willis proved everyone wrong.

Tetris isn’t just any game; it is addictive and seemingly endless. The Zeigarnik Effect explains why we keep playing – the game never finishes, drawing us back in. Even AI had mastered Tetris with a programme called StackRabbit, crashing the game, which was considered beating it.

But then came Willis, also known as Blue Scuti in the gaming world. On December 21, 2023, he reached level 157, triggering a “kill screen” – something only AI had done before. The video of his achievement went viral, capturing his excitement.

Tetris CEO Maya Rogers praised Willis for his extraordinary accomplishment. In Tetris’s 40th Anniversary year, Willis showed the world the power of human determination, proving that even a 13-year-old boy could defeat what was once thought unbeatable by humans.

AI vs Humans: The Future of Intelligence

We have gone through the article, and now we can say that AI will keep getting better day by day, but human intelligence will always be needed to make AI work. We can see great examples of AI and human combinations, such as self-driving cars and robots that rely on humans to develop them. Human intelligence is important for AI development.

So, humans and AI will likely collaborate. However, several challenges lie ahead, such as job displacement and ensuring responsible AI use. Striking the right balance will determine the nature of future interactions between humans and AI.

Learn More About AI With Learning Routes

Artificial Intelligence is changing everything and helping the people in various ways. But it cannot think exactly like humans yet. Scientists are still figuring out how human brains work. So, in the debate between AI and human intelligence, most people believe AI will help humans instead of taking over immediately while others have different opinions. Furthermore, If you really want to know more about AI then you can check out the Post Graduate Programmes in AI and Machine Learning at Learning Routes if you are interested in pursuing a career in the field of artificial intelligence.

The Final Words

Now I want to ask you: who’s the clear winner? Some may say AI, while others may argue for human intelligence. But the reality might not be what you are expecting. It is more like a game of chess, where both sides have unique strengths and weaknesses. The real power is in collaboration. In the future, we can see collaboration in medical fields such as using AI to treat people or designing personalised treatments. That’s the future we should work towards – a powerful partnership between human ingenuity and artificial intelligence.

In the end, the question is not “Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence?” but rather “AI for Humans?” By understanding our own strengths and AI’s potential, we can create a future that’s brighter for both of us.

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