6 Ways An MBA Will Make You A Better Leader: Strategic Decision-Making



19 April, 2024

6 Ways An MBA Will Make You A Better Leader: Strategic Decision-Making

Leadership is considered one of the most high-paying skills, and its popularity has accelerated after the COVID-19 pandemic. A leader is vital for a business to manage things effectively and handle critical situations, including conflicts between employees and outrank competitors.

Here we’ll dive into how an MBA will make you a better leader.

What is an MBA in Leadership?

MBA degree is known for its highly valuable certificate of a two-year post-graduate program with multiple specialisation fields, including leadership, finance, and others. An average MBA graduate enjoys a handsome salary of over INR 100,000 monthly in India.

Meanwhile, Leadership is the act of kindness and empowerment to others. It’s not about holding a specific position but the ability to lead a team, and achieve a mutual goal.

MBA in Leadership is a specialised course by the Masters of Business Administration that focuses on enhancing leadership skills, including communications, critical thinking, and decision-making skills of an individual. The course covers various aspects of leadership.

  • Leadership Development: The course delves into the numerous theories, and case-based studies to understand leadership qualities.

  • Strategic Management: Students get the ability to analyse complex and critical data, and discover its inference.

  • Ethics and Social Responsibility: The course involves insightful leadership principles and theories to be a better person in society.


Related: Learn Abut MBA in Leadership Management

Why MBA for Leadership

The MBA equips you with many new opportunities to enhance your leadership, and management skills. It allows us to collaborate with big market giants and gain some of their valuable insights, and experience.

However, many students found co-founders and partners for their startups inside the campus, and some even got their jobs due to their strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.

In the MBA campus, Students usually effectively redesign their campus into an open-to-connect and collaborative environment by understanding people management and organisation through their course. This allows them to build a strong network with alumni and develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

Overall, an MBA works as a catalyst and fuels your journey to becoming a better leader.

How MBA Will Make You a Better Leader

There are multiple ways in which an MBA helps you become a better leader in society or the corporate world, but here are the most impactful six reasons.

1.Strategic Decision-Making
2.Effective Communication & Inspiration
3.Leading High-Performance Teams
4.Change Management & Adaptability
5.Ethical & Socially Responsible Leadership
6.Building a Powerful Network

1. Strategic Decision-Making

“The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.” – Michael Porter, Harvard Business School

Strategic Decision-Making fuels our minds with creative ideas and execution processes. It doesn’t necessarily mean the type of decision you’re making, but how much time you spend making it also matters a lot.

The MBA program evaluates you from the numerous complex frameworks, assessing risks and opportunities to accelerate your strategic decision-making skills.

2. Effective Communication & Inspiration

“Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.” — Jim Rohn

Effective communication is the biggest strength of a leader that will help him to inspire others, and provide a path to achieve the mutual goal. However, 86% of the executives identify that ineffective communication leads to business failure by salesforce.

Meanwhile, effective communication will help the students build relationships and improve their performance, which will enhance their self-confidence. MBA programs offer numerous courses, group projects, and events to improve communication and leadership qualities among them.

3. Leading High-Performance Teams

“Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple

Business is divided into multiple groups and departments where a leader and a mentor act as the head of the group and play a crucial role. A report by Forbes claims highly engaged teams are 21 times more profitable.

The team performs multiple tasks, including product development, managing complex projects, and executing new ideas.

MBA programs will guide the students from teamwork insights to performance management. Many MBA programs emphasise the importance of emotional intelligence and organise workshops on it.

4. Change Management & Adaptability

“The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.” — Charles Kettering.

Change management and adaptability are powerful business weapons that require the courage to say ‘NO’ to what is not working. Around 70% of changes fail due to employee resistance and lack of management.

It’s the process of utilizing new technologies and understanding market shifts to evolve the business according to market needs and trends.

MBA guides the students regarding the market complexity and planning and emphasises practical knowledge to foster a culture of adaptability and execution. It also makes the students aware of the challenges and provides a solution to overcome them.

5. Ethical & Socially Responsible Leadership

“The true measure of a leader is not the number of followers they have, but the number of leaders they create.” – Simon Sinek, Author & Speaker

Leaders can be found in every other company, but ethics and social responsibility are the key differences that make a leader into a ‘Great leader’. However, the primary goal of a business is ‘Profitability’, but every nine in ten people who measure a ‘Successful business’ is beyond profitability which indicates the potential of ethical and social responsibility.

Ethical and social responsibility is the practice of being a better civilisation by utilising recycling and avoiding harmful elements like plastic gas. It also involves maintaining a cooperative office culture that respects diversity and gives equal opportunity to employees.

MBA programs go through business ethics courses and sustainability practices and invite guest speakers who expose students to real-case scenarios and practical knowledge.

6. Building a Powerful Network

“Networking isn’t how many people you know, it’s how many people know you.” – Amit Kalantri

Networking has the potential to accelerate your career growth, whether you’re starting your startup, or finding a valuable job. Lou Adler, CEO of Adler Group claims 85% of the jobs are filled by some sort of marketing.

It exposes you to multiple job opportunities, team leads, and potential clients who provide insightful feedback on your products. You also gain access to expert suggestions and industry knowledge.

The MBA program supports the organisation of networking events and invites industry leaders to speak as guest speakers, giving students the opportunity to connect directly with them and alumni with mutual interests.

Key Takeaways

These are some of the top six most impactful ways an MBA will help students to be better leaders in society. There is nothing a term available called the ‘Perfect Leader’, the strategic decisions, execution of new ideas, and emotional intelligence will make a better leader.

Meanwhile, an MBA program will support students in becoming good leaders from various aspects, as we discussed earlier.

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