SGPA Calculator Background

SGPA to Percentage

How to Convert SGPA to Percentage? - SGPA Calculator

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SGPA to Percentage Calculator

What Exactly is SGPA to Percentage Calculator?

A calculator is a tool that we use for calculating numbers and getting some quick results. Talking about SGPA to Percentage Calculator, it is a calculator which is designed to simply convert your SGPA scores to Percentage scores. Individuals who are seeking higher education opportunities or are looking for a job often require these calculators.

What is SGPA?

Many universities use some specific grading parameter to give a grade scale to their students, these parameters are known as SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average). It is not very common to use this system. However, many of the institutions are inculcating it in their respective grading system. This calculator mainly helps the students to understand their grades better and compare them with others.

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Elements of SGPA


The time period of a semester is 6 months. Institutions have done this categorisation for an easy and better understanding of the grading system for students.


This one is very obvious! There are the grades which show your performance for each subject that you have studied. These points are assigned a numerical value based on your institution’s grading scale.

Credit Hours

Each subject you have taken comes with a specific number of credit hours that reflects the time and effort expected for that course.

Grade Points

You have to multiply the grade value by credit hour to get the grade point for that subject.

How to Calculate Your SGPA?

You will get some certain credit points for each subject that you pursued during a particular semester. You can calculate your SGPA for that particular semester by following some easy steps.

Example of Calculation:

SubjectCredit PointGrade

Follow these steps for the calculations:

SGPA Calculation Formula: Converting Grade Points to Credit Points

If you are seeking higher education opportunities or are looking for a job, you must have come across certain eligibility conditions wherein they must require a certain minimum percentage of marks during your graduation and postgraduation degree. Therefore, it is very important to convert your SGPA into percentage to get a clear picture of your future scope and to evaluate whether or not you are eligible for the career path your want to pursue. Luckily, there is a very simple formula that you can use to convert your SGPA into percentage!

But don’t forget to calculate your SGPA first using the above-mentioned formula. Once you have your SGPA handy, you can use the following steps:

SGPA to Percentage Conversion

Formula: (SGPA x 10) – 7.5

Step 1: Multiply the SGPA by 10.

Step 2: Subtract 7.5 from the result of Step 1.


Let's assume SGPA = 8.0.


Step 1: 8.0 x 10 = 80

Step 2: 80 – 7.5 = 72.5%

Letter Grade Approved by UGC

According to the UGC guidelines, institutions and universities use grading systems to show a range of percentages and grade points. Following are the list of grades along with their grade points and percentage scale.

Percentage of MarksLetter Grade as per UGC GuidelinesGrade Points
90-100%O stands for Outstanding10
80-90%A+ stands for Excellent9
70-80%A stands for Very Good8
60-70%B+ stands for Good7
50-60%B stands for Average6
40-50%C stands for Pass5
Below 40%F stands for Fail0

How is SGPA Different from CGPA?

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average which is calculated for a whole year. Meanwhile, SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average, meaning that it is calculated only for 6 months which makes it easier for the students to analyse their progress and grades.

It is as simple as playing tic tac toe to calculate CGPA using SGPA. You just need to add SGPA values from each semester and divide it by the number of semesters.

Let’s say a student got 6 points in the first semester and 8 points in the second semester. To find their overall grade average (CGPA), we add the points from both semesters and divide by the total number of semesters.

Here is what we do:


That’s it, folks. As promised, here’s your easy-peasy solution to calculate your percentage from your SGPA using our easy-to-use SGPA to Percentage calculator. For a better understanding on how this conversion works, we’ve mentioned the formula and examples for you. So, go on, and track your progress to create the career you dream. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are planning to study abroad then you might need the SGPA to percentage calculator. You need your academic marks in percentage form in various situations such as applying for educational loans, scholarships, or admission in colleges.

You can calculate your CGPA by following these steps: • Add up your SGPA scores. • Divide the total by the number of semesters.

The SGPA is measured on the lowest scale from 0.00 to the highest scale of 10.00, it shows the student's performance.

In engineering, if you get 8 or above SGPA that is considered good.

You can convert SGPA to percentage in these easy steps: • Multiply your SGPA by 10. • Subtract 7.5 from the result. Example: If your SGPA is 8, then you would calculate: (8 × 10) - 7.5 = 72.5%.

Using the formula: Percentage = (SGPA × 10) - 7.5 For 7.5 SGPA: (7.5 × 10) - 7.5 = 67.5%.

Using the formula: Percentage = (SGPA × 10) - 7.5 For 9.5 SGPA: (9.5 × 10) - 7.5 = 87.5%. At the end, 9.5 SGPA = 87.5%.

Using the formula: Percentage = (SGPA × 10) - 7.5 For 8.25 SGPA: (8.25 × 10) - 7.5 = 74%. Final answer: 8.25 SGPA = 74%.

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