Explained: Distance Education, Online Education & Traditional Education



29 April, 2024

Explained: Distance Education, Online Education & Traditional Education

Change is the only constant, isn’t it? But our education system has long relied on traditional learning methods, dominating our perception of how to learn. The lecturer sharing knowledge and students being physically present there, that is how education works isn’t it? But with the fast-changing world and everything being in constant motion, time is what we lack in our days. So, making use of technological advancement, Online Education and Distance Learning, came into being. Now, each and every student can learn the same thing at their own pace and time.

What is Distance Education?

So, let’s delve right into the concept of Distance Education. Delhi University introduced this in 1962, easing the learning process for working professionals. In Distance Learning, all the study materials related to the chosen course are emailed to him after the student enrols. Students can solely rely on and complete the course at their own pace. There will be no particular interaction between the teaching authorities and the students. Only when the student comes up with a query, can that be solved through online interaction with the teacher.

The exam mode depends on the Institute the person chooses to enrol in. Certain Institutes take the exams online, and some conduct them in centres. The only deadlines every student must follow are the examination and project submission timings. Each year, schedules will be provided to the learners, which they cannot delay. This learning style heavily emphasises independent learning, thus helping to slowly and steadily inculcate knowledge.

Benefits of Distance Education:

Some of the benefits of choosing Distance Learning are as follows:

  • Adequate time: Since the course is independent of time constrictions, one can learn at their own pace. One can complete certain portions in a chunk or do it slowly one by one, it all depends on the learner.

  • Balance work and study: Candidates can learn and continue working alongside others. This allows learning and earning to go hand in hand.

  • Saves Money: Distance Learning is cheaper than traditional learning. With all the benefits of age-old learning, distance education has become the saviour of all money-constrained learners.

  • No hassle: With everything at your fingertips, distance learning has enabled hassle-free learning. The rush of going to class, taking notes, or even getting hyped up about the attendance, can all be stopped.

What is Online Education?

With the advent of new media, everything has become digital, and that’s what we prefer these days, right? So, why not embrace the virtual world of learning in this digital world? In this type of learning all the lectures are mainly video-based and the study materials are provided online accordingly. The lectures can be pre-recorded in video format or taken live. The pre-recorded videos provide the students with all the information needed and answer specific questions in the video itself. This also has the option of a chat box or sending messages where students can drop their queries and get answers quickly. On the other hand, there are courses where the teachers teach live and interact with the students similar to the traditional mode, but digitally. This type of learning eliminates the hustle of physically being present in the classroom.

Benefits Of Online Education:

Some of the benefits of opting for an Online course are as follows:

  • Time flexibility: This gives a massive benefit of flexibility with time. Students can watch and rewatch the pre-recorded videos as often as they want. There is no time bound for learning in this type.

  • Place flexibility: With this one can learn from any corner of the world. No particular classroom is allotted, thus increasing the chances of gaining knowledge from anywhere.

  • Customised package: No more headaches from studying a subject you hate. Students can customise their learning by choosing the subjects or content they are interested in.

  • Saves Money: Unlike the Traditional learning mode, this saves much money. Students can get an online degree at half the price of the traditional method.

We must not forget our age-old system when discussing Distance and Online Learning. So, let’s also talk about the Traditional System of Learning.


Related: Distance Education vs Online Learning: Learn The Differences

What is Traditional Learning?

This is the type of learning that we all have been doing since our school days. It has been a practice that has continued for centuries worldwide. In this type of learning, the educator addresses the students in a mass through in-person lectures. Though proven as an effective teaching method, this is a time consuming and expensive method as well. The flexibility of attending from anywhere at any time is lacking in this system. Attendance is a must which often affects the ones working professionally as well. Overall, this method requires constant attention and continuous learning throughout the course.

Benefits of Traditional Learning:

This type of Learning though old school, has a ton of benefits to it.

  • Face-to-face Learning: This type of learning is done in person with teachers, students, and classroom scenarios in play. The continuous live interaction makes learning effective and easy for the students.

  • Live feedback: This can talk interpersonally and whatever is required can be asked and questioned directly. This helps in instant problem-solving.

  • Learning with peers: Students can learn alongside their peers, which helps establish bonds. Certain things students can’t understand from their teacher can be learned from their peers as their learning capacity matches.

  • Fun while learning: Traditional learning is all about creating bonds and having fun alongside learning. Students meet their peers from different places, and sitting in the same classroom makes them bond. Thus, it is often said that learning gets easier when it’s fun.


It’s safe to say that every learning methods has its own benefits and drawback. While traditional learning mode has a lot of benefits, the online and distance education is becoming popular among many professionals and students. As mentioned above, one of the most striking benefits are inexpensive courses, hasslefree, and fits into every working professionals hectic time schedule.

It becomes imperative now that education has become relatively easy. However, it is worth pointing out that these are just the methods; the real benefit is only gained when one indeed imparts a tiny bit of knowledge and makes the most of it.

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